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Here at Penn Pharmacy, we offer a plethora of services. We are your one stop shop for all typical pharmaceutical needs and much more. Simply use our search bar below to find the service you need from our library of services.


Free Delivery

Don't have time to make it to the pharmacy? No problem. We offer free delivery to the nearby Newark area for your convenience.

We can also deliver any OTC items you request along with your prescription.

Contact us for details or to schedule your free delivery.


Tea Shop

The front-end of our pharmacy is dedicated to whole loose leaf herbal teas. We add a tea that is beneficial to health concerns with every prescription that we receive. For example, patients who are taking a medicine for high blood pressure will have their prescription paired with a tea that will also help with lowering blood pressure.

Each tea correlates with diseases for medicinal purposes. The teas that are paired with prescriptions will not interact with the medicine prescribed. We also carry a full line of teas that patients without medicinal needs can use.

Speak to a member of our staff to learn more about our available selection of teas.


You can feel comfortable discussing your ED questions and concerns with our pharmacist because we are committed to respecting your privacy with private consultations and secure online refills. We provide Erectile Dysfunction medicine at the cheapest price available with or without insurance.

Contact us for details or transfer your prescription today.



When it comes to disease prevention, immunizations are key. Getting vaccinated protects you and those around you. Our main focus is to help you and your loved ones stay up-to-date on the recommended vaccines. We offer a variety of immunizations. Some of the vaccinations we offer are listed below:

  • COVID-19

  • Flu

  • Hep B or Hep A/B

  • HPV

  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella

  • Meningococcal

  • Pneumococcal

  • Shingles

  • Tdap or TD

  • Travel vaccines

Our highly qualified staff can easily administer these immunizations here at the pharmacy. Speak to a staff member today about the immunizations we offer.


Medicare Part D Open Enrollment is Oct. 15 - Dec. 7

Your Medicare Part D plan changes every year. Make sure it is still the right one for you.

Did you pay too much for your Medicare Part D deductible last year? Open Enrollment is an opportunity for you to switch insurance coverage to a plan that best suits your needs.

Understanding Medicare prescription plans can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Our staff can review your coverage and find the plan that's best for your needs!

Talk to a staff member to learn more.


An estimated 50 percent or more of medications for chronic conditions, such as high cholesterol and diabetes, are not taken as prescribed.

Medication non-adherence can lead to worsening health conditions, hospitalizations and death. Whatever the reason is for medication non-adherence, we have a solution for you. Ask one of our team members how we can help you today.

Ask any of our staff today about our pill-packaging service and how you can get signed up.


Do you ever find it difficult to keep up with your medication refills and picking up your medications? If you answered yes, you may benefit from medication synchronization.

Med Synchronization, also called med sync, is a program we offer here at the pharmacy to help synchronize your medication refills so that you will be able to pick up ALL of your medications on a single day each month.

Speak to a staff member today about how we can get you set up on med sync.


Medication therapy management, otherwise known as MTM, is a term used for a program to help you manage your medications and health conditions.

  • Do you take several medications for several different health conditions?

  • Are you finding it difficult to manage your health and your medications?

  • Are you having any side effects from your medications?

  • Do you have any questions about your medications?

  • Do you want to know how best to take your medications to get the most from your medications?

  • Do you take medications that require close monitoring such as medication levels?

  • Have you been hospitalized recently?

  • Would you like to know if you are up-to-date on the recommended vaccines?

  • Would you like to have a complete list of the medications you take for your personal use?

  • Do you have any concerns about medication costs?

  • Would you like to receive education on diet and exercise?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may benefit from medication therapy management. With this program, our pharmacists will ensure you are getting the most benefit from your medications. In addition, our pharmacists can help you better manage your medications and health conditions, so you can live a healthier life.

Make an appointment today for a medication therapy management session with one of our pharmacists.



You may find that you have been prescribed a number of medications, and that you need to take them at different times of the day. It can be difficult to keep track of what medication you need to take and when.

Good news! We can offer you an easier and safer way to take your medications. You will wonder why you never tried it before.

We offer a multi-dose packaging that bundles your medications together by date and time. For example, all your medications that are to be taken in the morning will be packaged together in one pack. Say Goodbye to pill boxes and all of your pill bottles, and say hello to multi-dose packaging.

Ask any of our staff today about our pill-packaging service and how you can get signed up.


Here at Penn Pharmacy, our goal is to ensure you are receiving the maximum benefit from your medications.

  • Are you experiencing side effects from a medication that you are currently taking?

  • Are you taking a medication that depletes other key nutrients?

  • Are you looking for ways to boost your overall immunity, health, and wellness?

  • Are you having trouble sleeping on your medication?

  • Do you lack energy on a daily basis?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may benefit from nutrient depletion counseling.

While medications are a great way to help you manage your symptoms, they can also deplete your body of vital nutrients. Fortunately, our expert pharmacy staff is trained in identifying drug-induced nutrient depletion and providing medication counseling to help your medication work with you, not against you.

With this program, our knowledgeable staff will evaluate your medications, answer any questions you may have, and discuss suggested diet changes, recommenced vitamins and supplements, and more. If you feel like nutrient depletion counseling is right for you, click the button below to schedule a personal consultation with one of our skilled staff members today.


Our pharmacists are also specially trained to recommend vitamins and supplements that may help offset drug induced nutrient depletions and expand your wellness.

We carry an extensive line of vitamins and supplements that are clinically-tested and hand-picked by our team, including:

  • Probiotics

  • Vitamin B

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin D

  • Zinc

  • Elderberry

  • CoQ10

  • Fish Oil - Omega 3 Fatty Acids

  • Melatonin

  • Magnesium

  • Multi Vitamins

  • Calcium

  • Iron

  • ...and more!


Your pet's health is one of our top priorities! This is why we are proud to offer Pet Care including supplies and medications. Visit our pharmacy to fulfill your pet's prescription needs.

Speak to a member of our staff to learn more about prescriptions for pets.


Planning on traveling to Africa, Central America or South America? Before jetting off, make sure you are up to date on routine vaccinations. Depending on where you are traveling, you may also need to get certain vaccinations. If you are not sure what vaccinations you need, there’s no need to worry. We’ve got you covered.

Receiving vaccinations prior to your trip will help keep you and your family safe and healthy while traveling. Knowing you are protected from diseases like malaria, yellow fever and typhoid will give you peace of mind so you can spend your time enjoying yourself.

It’s important to get vaccinated at least four to six weeks before you travel. This will give the vaccines time to start working and help ensure you are fully protected while you’re traveling.

Speak to a staff member today about the travel immunizations we offer and how we can prevent you from bringing home unintended souvenirs.


Our pharmacy understands the importance of preventing the spread of COVID-19. This is why we are proud to offer COVID-19 testing for your convenience. Stop by our pharmacy to receive your next test.

Speak to a member of our available COVID-19 tests.


Penn Pharmacy is proud to offer a variety of supplies that will help fulfill your Physician office's needs. Visit our pharmacy or speak to a member of our staff to lean more about our available supplies for Physician offices.


At Penn Pharmacy, we understand that your time is valuable. This is why we are proud to offer scheduled appointments for your convenience. Schedule an appointment and save time on your next visit to our pharmacy.

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